August 3, 2024 @ 12:00PM
Crozet, VA
Greenwood Community Center
(parking with shuttling available)
29 miles
Total ascent/descent
Various options available
The Jarmans Invitational Marathon will take place on the first (or sometimes second) Saturday of August at 12:01 pm in Crozet, Virginia. Pretty much everything about this race sucks.
The course sucks. The race starts at the intersection of Jarman's Gap Rd and Greenwood Rd in Crozet, Virginia. From there, runners will run up Jarmans - 2.9 miles and 1,522 ft of elevation gain, then turn around and come right back down 2.9 miles and 1,522 ft. Runners will repeat this lap five times for a total of 7,610ft elevation gain and loss over 29.0 miles. Jarmans is a steep gravel road, with some areas shaded and some areas in full sun. There are minimal scenic views. The summit of Jarmans is simply a muddy parking spot and an 'End State Maintenance' sign. You will run by a junkyard and several pit bulls or other loose dogs. The train crosses Jarmans and may or may not be running during the race. The course is gonna suck.
Jarmans Invitational Marathon